Constitution of Values – The Contribution of Schooling
Short description
The question of the constitution of values among young adults is topical and of high practical relevance. In view of secularization tendencies, the decay of tradition, the observed individualization and the resulting corrosion of existing solidarity communities (characteristics of modernity), psychological and social consequences of an erosion of values may be assumed (Edelstein, Oser and Schuster 2001: 7), which in particular also results in demands for value education in schools.
The study focuses on analyzing the value attitudes of young adults in Switzerland. The study generates knowledge for the analysis of value types and enables an in-depth understanding of processes of value constitution with a special focus on the contribution of schools.
Das Projekt ist angegliedert an die “Young Adult Survey Switerzland YASS der Eidgenössische Jugendbefragungen ch-x“.