The International Handbook of Evaluation and Assessment in Education (Springer) is now calling for chapter proposals. This international handbook is edited by Prof. Dr. Stephan Huber, Chair of Excellence Leadership, Quality Management and Innovation, Department of Educational Research, Linz School of Education, Johannes Kepler University Linz and Head of Leadership University of Teacher Education Schwyz, Switzerland. The book will be published by Springer:
Aims and Scope
This handbook aims to bring together rigorously reviewed top-quality contributions by distinguished authors from research, policy and practice from around the world. It provides a comprehensive up-to-date compilation of important issues of and around educational assessment and evaluation. The book takes the scope of providing readers with an understanding of the rich contextual nature of evaluation and assessment in education. The handbook is theory-oriented and methodology-based and covers research and practice.
Therefore, the handbook explores and discusses:
– theories of evaluation and assessment,
– functions, roles, aims and purposes of evaluation and assessment,
– impact of evaluation and assessment,
– methodology, design and methods of evaluation and assessment,
– principles, standards and quality of evaluation and assessment,
– issues of planning, coordinating, conducting, and reporting of evaluation and assessment
General Information for Authors
The International Handbook of Evaluation and Assessment in Education uses an electronic submission and review process. Authors are strongly advised to carefully read the Aims and Scope of the handbook. Proposals that clearly do not meet standards for scholarship or are not consistent with the Aims & Scope will not be sent out for review.
Chapter proposals should be submitted via
Authors will be required provide personal information. Authors shall also clearly indicate which section(s) they wish to author. All the chapter proposals should be approximately 500 words in length, following the style of the 7th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA). Authors should strictly review the proposals to avoid plagiarism and self-plagiarism before the submission. All the proposals will be screened, and the selected authors will be contacted by the editorial board to submit a full chapter manuscript.
Book Structure
After conducting an extensive review on literature, the Editorial Board proposed the following book structure. The handbook comprises two volumes with 19 sections, a total of 100 chapters organised in six parts (ex. foreword).
Part I: Theories of Evaluation and Assessment
Section 1: Theories
Historical Development
Trends and Hot Issues
Section 2: Types and Models
Part II: Methodology
Section 3: Methodology
Project Management
Questions of Organization
Research Design
Data Collection
Section 4: Quantitative Methods
Methodological Orientation
Data Collection
Data Analysis Software
Issues in Quantitative Evaluation and Assessment
Different Methods
Section 5: Qualitative Methods
Methodological Orientation
Data Collection
Data Analysis Software
Issues in Qualitative Evaluation and Assessment
Different Methods
Section 6: Mixed Methods
Approaches to Mixed Methods
Data Analysis Software
Quantitative vs. Qualitative Methods
Different Methods
Part III: Principles, Standards and Quality
Section 7: Principles and Standards
Standardization of Evaluation and Assessment Processes
Presentation and Comparison of Standards
Purpose, Possibilities and Use of Standards
Critical Voices to Standards
Alternative Routes of Standards
Examples of Standards from Associations of Assessments and Evaluations
Section 8: Impact/Effect
The Role of Assessment and Evaluation in Policy-Making/Institutional Framework
Professionalization of School Practice
Possibilities and Boundaries (Challenges) in Evaluating Impact
Effect Measurements – Possibilities and Limits
Section 9: Professionalization
Professionalization and Change of Role of Evaluators
Selection, Education, Designation and Credentialing of Evaluators
The Autonomy of Evaluators
Section 10: Evaluation of Evaluation and Assessment
Current Discussions about/in the Field of Methodology of Evaluation and Assessment
Synthesis of Evaluation and Assessment
Section 11: Research on Evaluation and Assessment
Examples of Research on Evaluation and Assessment
Part IV: Practical Issues
Section 12: Commissioning of and Applying for Evaluation and Assessment
Financial, Institutional and Strategic Frameworks
The Balancing of Political and Methodological Choices
Applied Research vs. Pure Research
Section 13: Collaboration
Expectations from Commissioners and Contractors
Stakeholder Involvement
Section 14: From Evaluation and Assessment to Research
Dissemination and Utilization of Findings
Assessment and Evaluation as Part of Quality Management
Different Methods for Different Sectors
Centralization/Decentralization of Responsibility
Section 15: From Evaluation and Assessment to Development
Evaluation and Assessment that Make a Difference
Part V: Examples of Evaluation and Assessment
Section 16: Areas of Evaluation and Assessment in Education
Educators continuing professional development
Curriculum development and enactment
Subject teaching and learning
Vocational education and training
Early childhood education
Higher education
Special education
Policy studies and politics of education
Partnership, communities, families, and schooling in education
Inclusive education, education for equity and social justice
Section 17: Regional similarities and differences
Country/Regional Reports
Similarities and Differences between Countries/Regions based on Standards, Issues, Professionalization, Methods, etc.
Section 18: Other Fields of Evaluation and Assessment Research and Practice
Social Work/Public Policy
Private Sector
Equity, Equality and (Social) Inclusion
Culture and Culture Politics
Sustainable Development
Research, Technology and Innovation Policy
City and Regional Development
Prevention and Health Promotion
(New) Public Management
Part VI: Toolbox
Section 19: Toolbox
Summary of Success Factors in Evaluation and Assessment Web-based material
Submission Procedure and Important Dates
The submission procedure includes two steps.
Step 1 Submitting the chapter proposal:
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit the chapter proposals via
Step 2 Submitting the full paper manuscript:
Authors of accepted proposals will be sent chapter guidelines to compose the first complete manuscript. All the submitted chapters will go through a double-blind review process. The editor-in-chief and section editors will make the final decisions regarding the final acceptance of the chapters.
Recap of the important dates
Please click here for the book flyer
For any inquiries about this handbook, please contact the editor-in-chief:
Prof. Dr. Stephan Huber
Chair of Excellence Leadership, Quality Management and Innovation.
Department of Educational Research, Linz School of Education
Johannes Kepler University Linz
Schwyz University of Teacher Education
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