Prof. Dr. Marit Aas

Zur Person

Vom 10. bis 23. November war Prof. Dr. Marit Aas, Associate Professor at Department of Teacher Education and School Research, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Oslo, zu Gast am IBB.

Im Rahmen ihrer Gastprofessur am IBB arbeitete Prof. Dr. Aas insbesondere im Rahmen des Projekts PROFLEC/CPSM-international an der Implementation von CPSM in Norwegen mit. Zudem unterstützt sie die Implementation in Schweden und ist maßgeblich beteiligt an der Entwicklung des Coaching-Modells, dass in allen 10 Proflec-Ländern pilotiert wurde. Zudem nahm wirkte sie beratend am Zukunfts- und Strategie-Workshop „IBB 2016-2020“ mit und nahm an zwei Veranstaltungen, dem 25-jährigen Jubiläum des Verbands Schulleiterinnen und Schulleiter Schweiz (VSLCH) sowie am Forum „Leadership in der Lehrerbildung“ in Berlin, teil.

Current position
Associate Professor at Department of Teacher Education and School Research, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Oslo.

PhD (2009) Department of Educational Research, University of Oslo.

Research interests
Research interests are within educational leadership and school development, leadership training and coaching. Has been involved in research projects on educational leadership, and is also participating in international research networks in the field of school leadership.

Academic Leadership position
2009-2012: Leader for the Master Programme in Educational Leadership at Department of Teacher Education and School Research

International networks

Project Manager for Research Projects

Project Manager for Leadership Programme

2009 – ongoing: Project Manager for the National Principalship Programme at the University of Oslo. Developing the programme and a module of group coaching


She currently supervising PhD candidates enrolled in track 3 in the National Graduate School, NATED

Summary of the thesis

Title: The power of discussions.

The aim of the study was to investigate what’s happening when reading experts/researchers support seven schools in developing the reading education in their schools. The theoretical framework is cultural-historical activity theory. In seminars and school conversations the participants are introduced to new methods and ideas. By following the collective discourses from the seminars to schools, I examine why the talk establishes the foundation for action or not. The empirical findings indicate that collective knowledge building can happen when school leaders and teachers share experiences from the classroom in their own school or with other schools, when a group of individual teachers follow the same education, and when external actors support the school‘s investigation of their own reading practice. The professional learning community seems to be an important arena for discussing how professional changes can be handled in a new organisational structure. The analyses show how cultural-historical activity theory uncovers how tensions and contradictions both are a potential and an obstacle in processes of development, and how “everything is connected to everything”. Developing the reading education means developing the entire school organisation.

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