Prof. Lejf Moos

Zur Person

Lejf Moos ist Professor für Bildung und Educational Leadership am Institut für Bildung der Aarhus Universität in Kopenhagen, Dänemark. Darüber hinaus ist er derzeit Koordinator der European Alliance for Social Science and Humanities (EASSH).

Prof. Moos forscht seit vielen Jahren in den Bereichen School Leadership und Educational Governance. Er ist dabei in dänische wie auch internationale Studien und Projekte eingebunden wie z.B. ‚Leadership for Learning‘, the ‚International Successful School Principal Project‘, ‚Nordic School Superintendent project‘, ‚European Policy Network on School Leadership‘ und das EU-Projekt PROFLEC, welches Teil des Comenius-Programms für lebenslanges Lernen ist und vom IBB koordiniert wird. Er ist der Herausgeber der Buchserie im Springer-Verlag über Forschung im Bereich Educational Governance sowie war Mitherausgeber des Journal for Educational Assessment, Evaluation & Accountability (Springer). Er ist ferner Herausgeber der beiden Bücher, “Transnational Influences on Values and Practices in Nordic Educational Leadership” und “School Boards in the Governance Process”.

Prof. Moos war Präsident des International Congress for School Effectiveness and School Improvement (ICSEI) und der Nordic Association for Educational Research (NERA). Von 2009 bis 2014 war er Präsident der European Educational Research Association (EERA); derzeit hat er den Vorsitz bei NordNet inne, einem Netzwerk von Forschenden in den nordischen Ländern.

Zur Gastprofessur am IBB

Im Rahmen seiner Gastprofessur am Institut für Bildungsmanagement und Bildungsökonomie der Pädagogischen Hochschule Zug vom 18. bis 31. August 2014 nahm er beratend an verschiedenen IBB-Besprechungen teil, unter anderem an einer Zukunftswerkstatt zur „IBB-Forschungsstrategie 2016 bis 2020“ sowie an Workshops zu den Forschungsprojekten „Kompetenzprofil Schulmanagement – Self-Assessment für pädagogische Führungskräfte“,“Professional Learning through Feedback and Reflection“ (PROFLEC) , “Schulmanagement in Bildungsregionen“, „Bildungslandschaften Schweiz“ und „Eidgenössische Jugendbefragung ch-x“. Als Mitglied im Programmkomitee des Bildungssymposiums Schweiz und Internationalen Schulleitungssymposiums 2015 gab Lejf Moos Feedback zur Konzeption. Im Rahmen des MAS Schulmanagement referierte er zum Thema „International Trends in Education and School Leadership“. Lejf Moos nahm als Experte ebenfalls an der Tagung „Kooperation im Kontext schulischer Heterogenität“ an der PH Thurgau teil.

Interview (pdf)
Hinweis: Das Interview ist entstanden während der Gastprofessur am IBB im August 2014 und wurde auf Englisch geführt.

Welchen Stellenwert hat Bildung derzeit international?
Internationally we see a trend towards looking at education more as a back-to-basics skills acquisition – seen clearly in the emphasis on PISA results, then as a comprehensive ‘Democratic Bildung’, providing students the opportunity to develop a broad range of competences: academically, socially and personally.

Welche internationalen Trends sehen Sie, was sind die zentralen Themen?
Current transnational policy trends, promoted by the OECD and the EU, emphasise concepts of education quality in terms of benchmarking, which implies a strong focus on measurable outputs as a basis to improve education systems as well as individual schools and to hold key actors such as school leaders and teachers to account. In research literature this is often referred to as the results of neo-liberal policies with roots in economic models of agency theory and public choice which have been implemented in education. This strong performance orientation is in danger of directing schools to focus on what can be tested while other aspects of education, such as social competence and democratic values receive less attention. We see, especially in the Nordic countries, that the need to find efficient strategies to improve student outcomes in basic skills and at the same time hold up traditional values linked to the Nordic concept of a school for all, create certain dilemmas for the school principals.

Welche Erkenntnisse und Ideen nehmen Sie aus Ihrer Gastprofessur am IBB (und aus der Schweiz) mit?
Change processes in education systems have a direct impact on the function and the role of teachers and educational leaders. Schools and the expectations regarding what schools should be like and should be capable of, are changing. This has consequences on everybody who works in schools. It brings many challenges but also many opportunities for schools, teachers and school leaders to improve schools.
In the project “Professional Learning through Feedback and Reflection“ (PROFLEC) we find – preliminary – that school leaders emphasize the situational and relational character of school leadership. School leaders need to develop a broad repertoire of reflections, skills and tools in order to be able to handle complex situations, and they also need to develop their interpersonal competences: listening, communicating, empathy etc. because at bottom, leadership is about relations. The findings are good steps in exploring school leadership and school development under new conditions.

In welche Richtung sollte sich der Bereich der Lehrerbildung weiterentwickeln?
The complexity of leadership thus needs to be taken into teacher education. Here we need to emphasise 1) stronger linkages between teacher education and teacher practice, and 2) CPD for teachers. And of course the responsible actors and different institutions of teacher education should cooperate more systematically and develop a corporate culture. But there are not only needs in teacher education. Schools also need to find opportunities to engage and educate teachers in leadership functions, be it as team-coordinators, subject-leaders, department-leaders or deputy leaders.

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